The Blackwooders
July 2000 Scotts, Michigan Second Edition
Editors Note: Nelson S. did so well on the first edition, I feel like putting my quill back in my goose. Especially after I had a complete crash with my computer. However, I'll press on like a true Swarthout.
There could not have been a more fitting tribute to my brother Arnold S. than to host the '99 Reunion here in Michigan. He enjoyed the reunions very much. I want to thank everyone who attended, and all those who helped make it a success. The raffle items were wonderful.
Italics indicate comments by the web master, Mark Swarthout.
Raffle Winners
Gladys Swarthout Picture Mark Swarthout Gladys Swarthout Picture Gladys Druger Old Picture, Candles, Necklaces Mary Rindfleisch Xerox copy of the Swartwout Chronicles Rowene Schraag Apron and Bunny Basket Les Price Golf Balls and Scottsopoly Game Bob and Pat Swarthout Gone with the Wind Calendar Penny K. Wreath of Quilt Scraps Joan Swarthout Cheese Bread, Bunny Box and Floral Joe Thomas Pot Holders and necklaces Julie Childress The Shootist by Glendon Swarthout Jim Swarthout (Climax, MI) Calendar Rob Blanchard Rabbit Basket Barb S. Frog in the Box Ocelia Massey Floral Arrangement Glen & Evelyn S. Floral Arrangement Ron & Lorraine S.
Door Prizes Bobcat Remote Control Backhoe - Jim S. (Olympia, IL)
T-Shirt - Wesley S.
Floral Arrangement - John S.
Floral Arrangement - Alicia S.
Quilt RaffleLavender and pink watercolor Log Cabin Quilt. Won by Mark Swarthout from Bloomfield Hills, MI.
This was the first reunion Mark had attended. He arrived on Sunday morning wiith his lap top computer and ready to do research. Within minutes of signing in he had located a missing link he found on a report sent from Alabama by Jerry S. Mark went home a happy camper. (And the look on his wife's face when she saw the quilt! I definitely made points on this one! I spent a couple of weekends redoing the bedroom to match the quilt!) Hope to see Mark and his family in New York. (I was there! The kids are in school though.) Also, since the reunion they have opened a store called Scentral Park Limited. They sell aromatherapy products. I have ordered several items, and gave some at Christmas, and they are begging for more. (Hmm, who is it that sponsors this web site? Anyone want to place some bets on what one or two of the door prizes will be?)
There were many great moments, but one in particular. When we were locking up the center on Friday night, a purse was found hanging on a chair. It did not get back to its ownner until Saturday afternoon when we gathered at Turkeyville for the "Hello, Dolly" dinner theater. Can you believe all she said was, and I quote, "Oh I wasn't worried about it." She, (Evelyn S.) from Arizona will always be known as the Swarthout who forgot her purse. Perhaps she didn't know about Samuel S.
Not only did she loose her purse, but they also had the misfortune of camping at one of our less desirable campgrounds, but they persevered. I am sure the facilities resembled those of the early S. who came to Michigan. We enjoyed having them and hope to see them in New York. Glllen is a descendant from Anthony S.
Another new young family was Jim S. from Illinois. A nephew of Penny and John Kichitzky, Jim won the Bobcat Backhoe toy. There were many more new faces. Jim Cammin from Grayling, MI gave me a real street sign "Swarthout Drive" Thanks a lot Jim.
The Ernest and Thelma Swarthout Story I received a family history from Thelma S. called "God's Abundant Blessings." Thelma and Ernest lived in Canada. They were ministers. He passed away and at the age of 90 she wrote their family history. Very interesting. I'll bring it to New York and anyone can copy it.
I'm still in need of more recipes. Send the by mail or e-mail to Will continue to collect through the New York reunion and then go to press. Hoping for at least 250, have about 100. Nelson S. did a wonderful job on the preface for the cookbook. You are going to love it so SEND, SEND, SEND!!
Loosing a Cousin The '99 reunion was the last time I was to see my cousin June Swarthout Knell. She passed away November 1, 1999. Such a wonderful person, I miss her.
My line is Barnardus, youngest son of Roeloff, and he was son of Tomys. GGG Grandfather Barnardus GG Grandfather Barnardus, G Grandfather Augustus, killed in Civil War at the battle of Stone River, at Murfessboro, TN in 1863. Leaving my Great Grandmother, Mary Jane nee Race Swarthout with three children. My Swarthout History
Their names were Edward, Philip, and Harriet. Edward, my grandfather, married Leonora Georgette Ward. Her mother was a Potawatomi Indian, Eunice Moon. As the story goes, Abram and Eunice Moon Ward built their log cabin in Charleston Township. Their baby was sleeping in a covered wagon, a bear was climbing in the back, G Grandma pickup up the shotgun and shot straight through the wagon and killed the bear. If G Grandma had not been a good shot, I might not be here today. ![]()
Edward and Leonora's children were, John, Frank (June Knell's father) Mary and Charles (My father). John migrated to Alberta Canada. He wrote glowing reports back to my father and mother. Consequently, they headed west. My Dad and Uncle John built their log cabin, My mother was told she would never have any children, and had been married 9 years, when the stork decided to make a delivery to Alberta, Canada. My brother Arnold was born in the log cabin, with midwives Charles and John. The traveling nurse finally arrived, but no need. My mother said she did all the work. When their second child was to arrive (me), they decided to come back to Michigan because at that time there were no schools in the area. And mother thought we should be educated.
Our host will be Mary and rudy Rindfleisch, of New York. I am sure you all have your invitations by now. It's not too early to make reservations. Remember, it wasn't raining when Noah build the Ark. I have attended several of Mary and Rudy's reunions and they were wonderful experiences. Make plans for New Youk. Because it is a Holiday weekend do not wait to make your reservations. Reunion 2000
350 Year Anniversary of the Swarthout's arriving in the New World. Be thinking on this one. I'm thinking of early Dutch costumes. We can all be proud of our heritage. Make plans to attend the New York Reunion this year, to be counted for the 2002 recognition by the Senate.
Year 2002HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL IN NEW YORK!!!!!!! SEPT 1,2,3,4
Beverlee Jenkins
10739 East Q Ave.
Scotts, MI 49088
(616) 626-8509P.S. Mary Rindfleisch has a new E Mail Address,
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Copyright Mark W. Swarthout, 2000, 2001
Updated 6/2/2001