The following information is taken from two sources. The first is a collection of vital records copied from the papers found in the archives of The Ovid Bee, published at Ovid Village, Seneca County, New York, by Jesse Howell Finch in 1971. Other parts of this were from my own viewing of microfilm copies of the Ovid Bee borrowed from the New York Newspaper Project through interlibrary loan. For more information on this, see my article on this web site. This collection should not be taken as a complete record, as editions were missing when both Mrs. Finch and I made our surveys.
It should also be noted that the founding editor was David Fairchild and about a year later his eldest son, Corydon Fairchild, took over. They are my GGGGgrandfather and GGGgrandfathers respectively. Numbers following the names are those from Mary Rindflesch's Updated Chronicles.
March 6, 1823
Died in New York on the 10th, General John Swarthout.
February 21, 1828
Married in Ovid on the 26th ult. By Jas. Foster, Esq, Jonathon Swarthout (Tailor) of Hector, Tompkins County to Miss Elizabeth Darling of Lodi, Seneca County.
March 6, 1839
Married on the 20th February last, by Elder Carpenter, Barny Swarthout of Ovid to Miss Eliza Ann Cooley of Romulus.
May 8th, 1839
Married in Ovid on the 30th ult. By James Foster, Esq., Peter Combs to Miss Lois Swarthout also of this place.
May 24th, 1856
Died in Lodi on the 18th of Typhoid fever Mrs. Margaret Swarthout relict of the late Benjamin Swarthout aged about 70 years (A daughter of the above with whom she resided is very sick of the same disease, not expected to recover.)
April 22nd, 1857
Married in Romulus on the 8th by the Elder Webber, E.S. Finton to Harriet Swarthout daughter of Coe Swarthout.
May 4th, 1859
Died at the residence of her son Preserve Cooley in Fayette on the 23rd Ult. Mrs. Elizabeth Cooley aged 91 years. Her maiden name was Swarthout. Her father, George Swarthout emigrated to this County from Dutchess in 1790. She was married about 1798 to James Cooley and they are supposed to be the first white couple married in this county. Her remains were interred in the family burying ground in Seneca, Ontario county on the farm where she resided 50 years.
October 12th, 1859
On the 11th inst., by Rev. G.J. VanNiets, Mr. PETER LOTT, to Miss JUDITH SWARTHOUT, all of Lodi.
November 30, 1859
In Varick, Seneca Co., N.Y., Nov 22d, by Rov. O. Irving, ABRAHAM McCAW, to Miss CAROLINE C. SWARTHOUT, obth of Varick.
April 18th, 1860
Married. In Geneva, on the 18th inst., by Rev. D.D. Beck, Mr. WILLIAM B. SWARTHOUT, of Ovid, and Miss ANNA M. DANSENBURG, of Geneva.
February 27, 1861
Died - In Romulus, Feb. 21st, LETTA SWARTHOUT, wife of Mathew Van Horn, aged 68 years, 3 months and 13 days.
Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb,
Take this new treasure to they trust,
And give these sacred relics room,
To seek a slumber in the dust.May 1, 1867
Up and Enclosed. -- Since our last issue, the new building of SWARTHOUT & COVERT, just north of the "Eagle" lot opposite the Court House, has been raised and enclosed. It is a good frame building 2 1/2 stories, 42 feet deep by 24 front, and makes a very imposing appearance as progress is make towards completion. -- It is intended as before stated for a general Hardware Establishment including the Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron business and adds greatly to that locality. Note: The individual involved is Mr. William B. Swarthout.
May 15, 1867
The new building of SWARTHOUT & COVERT is so far completed, the firm have moved in their Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron business.
Sept 16th, 1868
John S. Swarthout, residing in First Election Dist. of the Town of Hector, Schuyler Co., N.Y., committed suicide by hanging himself in his own barn, between the hours of 10 and 11 A.M., September 4th, 1868
This is one of those unaccountable occurrences that is a warning to all, and shows us the weakness and frailty of our human nature. Deceased was very much respected in the neighborhood where he lived; was a kind husband, an indulgent father, an active and consistent member of the Church -- a farmer, with 140 acres of land with good buildings, and everything around the place in good order, indicating thrift and comfort. The evidence before the coroners jury was that about 10 A.M. on the day of his death, one of his neighbors met with him on his farm and conversed with him. Nothing unusual was noticed, except he complained of not being well. It was shown that he had been complaining about four weeks, and was in a gloomy and despondent state of mind, principally complaining that the work on his farm was not progressing as it should. Deceased was 52 years of age and leaves a wife, a son, two daughters and very large circle of relatives to mourn his loss.
North Hector, Sept. 5th, 1868 -- Watkins Express
October 6th, 1869
Died at Ovid Landing Oct. 5th, Martha J. Swarthout wife of John W. Swarthout (#1854, my GG-Grandfather) and only daughter of M.M. and S. Stockwell aged 29 years and 7 months. We were not intimately acquainted with the deceased, yet had formed a very favorable opinion from the few times we had met her, whose loss to family and friends and especially her two children is irreparable.
Farewell, beloved one -- not dead,
But only sleeping sweet.
May by His angels thou be led
Unto the Savior's feet.October 20th, 1869Wm. B. Swarthout, whose establishment is just north of the Park House has handed in an advertisement which will appear next week. In the mean time let all wishing tin ware or jobbing done -- which he makes a speciality and does with promptness -- any kind of stove for either wood or coal, lamps, shelf-hardware etc., at fair prices, call upon him.