Reunion 2003
Southeastern Michigan
August 29-- September 1, 2003

The 2003 reunion was hosted by Mark Swarthout in the Detroit Metropolitan area.

Friday, August 29th

The Burton Collection of the Detroit Public Library hosted a small party for genealogical research. A small group of us found our way down to the collection for several hours of research. We had varying degrees of success.

In the Burton Collection

The staff was most accomodating and assisted us in many ways.

Burton Collection Picnic

Well, the weather wasn't great, but the food was! We stood under the trees in a light rain and ate our sandwiches, cookies and chips.

Tiger Baseball actually came through and won a game while we were there! The evening was wonderful, with a nice cool breeze, some good baseball, and, of course, terrific company!

Tiger Stadium from the outfield

View from our seats.

Watching the game!


Well, the fourth line in the blue section of the right side of the pictures actually says "Descendants of Tomys Swartwout"


Saturday, August 30th

Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village is one of the largest historical collections in the world. The weather was absolutely wonderful, lots of sunshine, but cooler temperatures. The remodeling of the village has really improved the entire experience.

The bus Rosa Parks was riding when she refused to give up her seat.

Jazz Quartet playing in the gazebo.

For those that wanted more baseball, we watched the Greenfield Village LaDeDahs. Of course, they were playing using the 1880's rules, equipment and uniforms. The gentleman in the suit and hat on the right was the umpire.

Afterwards, we spent a couple of hours at CMI Health and Swim club. A few of us even hit the outdoor pool! I understand a few people got 'lost' in the whirlpool! We had a small picnic dinner there and enjoyed it very much.

Sunday, August 31st.

Titanic! at the Detroit Science Center. A memorable visit that affected many of us.

The evening banquet was fabulous, the business meeting efficient and quick and a fun auction!

Rapt attention being paid to the business meeting portion of the evening.
Right - Huggability test to encourage the buyers. The rating was a solid 100%!

Hospitality Room
The hospitality room served as a central meeting location.

Doing research in one of the original copies of the Swartwout Chronicles.
Conversation, with some of the auction items being shown off in the foreground.

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Copyright Mark W. Swarthout, 2000, 2001
Updated 2/1/2003