1898 Reunion
We are only strangers till we meet,
then you become members of our family. 

Swartwood Reunion

The fifth annual reunion of the Swartwood Family and friends will occur on Thursday, July, 1898 at Swartwood, New York in Albert Swartwood's maple grove, near Hedding Church. A cordial welcome is extened to all and ample entertainment will be provided for everybody. Conveyances will meet all trains at bothe depots and convey the people to maple grove free of charge. The place selected for this annual gathering of this famous family is a grand location with ample ground and abundant shade and refreshing coolness. It seems fitted by nature fo picnics and reunions. Able addresses and fine music will be special features of the occasion. A musical program has been arranged consisting of a cornet band of twelve pieces, also a male quartette [xic] will favor the company with vocal selections and in addition to music furnished by home talent, there will be music by the well know "Swartwood Band" of Elmira, with Prof. S. Swartwood as leader. Addresses will by delivered by Rev. J. H. Ross and Rev. V.W. Matton and others.

Preparations are being made for a large assemblage and it is notable fact that we never grow less, but each year fins us increasing in numbers as well as interest in the reunion. Friends are already beginning to arrive from far and near. Representatives from Minnesota and California are present and awaiting that important event - The Swartwood Reunion.

Capt. John Swartwood, President

T. Woolever, Secretary

The Valley Breeze, Vol. VII, No. 43, Thursday, July 21, 1898

Provided by John R. Bond.

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Copyright Mark W. Swarthout, 2013
Updated 9/1/2013